School contact details
- School contact details including name, address, telephone number and name and contact details of the Trust.
- Name of Principal
- Name and details of our Special Educational needs (SEN) co-ordinator
- Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is Natalie Shipley.
- Our Designated Teacher for Looked After and Previously Looked After Children is Ruth McMenamin.
- The chair of the Standards and Performance Committee is Christopher Jones.
- Legal information for Shireland Collegiate Academy Trust can be seen in the footer of every page.
Policies and other information
- Statement of values and ethos
- Accessibility plan, SEND information report, equality statement, admissions policy
- Admissions information
- Most recent Ofsted report
- A link to the school and college performance tables service and our school’s performance tables page
- School uniform
- School day and compulsory hours
- Trust Key DocumentsÂ
- Details on the content of and approach to our curriculum including how you can find out more about our curriculum
- The names of the phonics/reading schemes we use
- Details of remote learning provision